Raising Rabbits, Chickens, Ducks and Geese – Homesteading Animals
Raising Rabbits For Meat and Fur
Keeping animals on any Homesteading is an absolute given, even if you are a vegetarian then keeping animals can be beneficial in lots of other ways rather than just for their meat!
Yes, animals such as Ducks, Chickens, Geese, rabbits, or Goats and Pigs all produce one common thing – manure! Growing organic vegetables also means that you need an ever-ready supply of organic fertilizer, and you animals produce that in abundance – all year round, 24/7. Chickens in particular will give you a nitrogen-rich supply of manure – excellent for vegetable growing. Whilst Rabbits produce droppings that can be added directly to the garden with no need for composting!
With that in mind, author Norman J Stone has produced a series of homesteading books that give all the basic information you need to care for your own homesteading animals. This information will help the Homesteader, or just the individual understand the basics of self-sufficiency; and how to get the best out of your gardening and breeding efforts. Are your chickens refusing to lay ion the cold winter? No problem! Norman will show you how he has eggs all year round – even during the coldest winter weather.
‘Rearing Rabbit’s for meat and Fur is the subject of his first book in the Homesteading Animals series, with ‘Delightful Ducks’ being the second in the series – watch out for more books including Geese, chickens, Turkeys and other popular books for the Hobby Farmer, Homesteader or Smallholder.

Breeding Rabbits for the hOmestead can be a very rewarding business for those interested in self-sufficiency

Ducks are truely delightful to have around the Homestead, and are a great source of eggs & meat for the kitchen larder!

As well as making entertaining companions around the Homestead, Geese are great for meat, eggs and feathers for your pillows!

What self respecting Homestead would be without chickens! For eggs, meat, and manure, the humble chicken is a super-valuable asset around the farm yard.