Homesteading Books | Beginners Guide To Modern Homesteading
Modern Homesteading Guide
Homesteading, or rather the meaning of homesteading, has changed considerably over the last 100 years or so. First started in 1862 with the homesteading act, which granted any adult citizen 160 acres if they lived on the land uninterupted for a period of 5 years; the idea of homesteading has changed in the present day to more represent a keenness to live a holistic lifestyle.
The basic idea however is the same. That is to live a self sufficient lifestyle in as much as it is possible to do so, even if you have limited land to work, or indeed make work for you. Homesteading covers all aspects of a life commited to saving money, improving health through growing your own vegetables or rearing your own chickens, and generally doing everything possible to limit your ‘carbon footprint’ while on this planet earth.
All that sort of talk used to be firmly in the hands of the ‘tree huggers’ the hippies and drop-outs; now however most people are aware of the damage that is being caused to the Earth – and our own bodies through the consumption of a multitude of chemical pollutants – on a global scale. With that knowledge comes the awareness that we must all do our bit to help the environment, and in doing so ourselves and the generations to follow.
K.I.S.S. The Homesteaders Guidebook
This series of books K.I.S.S. (keep it simple stupid) are written with simplicity in mind, and are intended to be a quick introduction to the different aspects of homesteading. Whether you are intending to keep chickens or preserve your own food, even keep vermin under control; these books will give you a basic introduction to the different aspects of self sufficiency or modern day homesteading.

If you have a limited space on the homestead, then a raised bed garden plan could be a real solution for you.

If you are keeping any kind of livestock, then vermin control is a top priority, if you are to keep healthy animals.

After growing your crop, then you must consider the aspects of canning & food preservation if you are to prevent waste.

No homesteading is complete without a few chickens in the yard. This book on raising chickens gives you a basic understanding of the skills needed.